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Embracing Neurodiversity: From Unemployable to Entrepreneurial Success

Join me on an inspiring journey from feeling labelled as "unemployable" to thriving as an entrepreneur. Discover how embracing neurodiversity led to financial stability, fulfilment, and making a meaningful impact.

Do you struggle to stay in employment? I’ve been there. Despite my skills and talents, I'll admit it—I'm practically labelled "unemployable" due to my dynamic disability and the fact that, well, I can be hard to manage. But hey, necessity is the mother of invention, right? So, I pivoted to entrepreneurship, making it my lifeline for earning a living.

Starting my entrepreneurial journey at just eleven years old, I turned my passions into profit, but societal norms told me to "get a real job", leading me down a path of twelveteen-hundred different jobs. However, fitting into the conventional workforce was a constant struggle, and I often found myself overwhelmed by chaotic environments or unable to function effectively due to my neurodivergence.

It wasn't until later that I discovered my neurodivergent identity, specifically being autistic, which had been masked by misdiagnosis and ineffective psychiatric treatment. Embracing my neurodivergence, I returned to my entrepreneurial roots, determined to forge my own path to success.

Launching my own business came with its challenges, but for the first time, I felt aligned with my work. As an entrepreneur, I could set my own schedule, create a supportive work environment tailored to my needs, and leverage my unique perspective to innovate and problem-solve.


Despite facing challenges associated with my neurodivergence, I found that my traits became assets in my entrepreneurial journey. Today, as a neurodivergent entrepreneur, I've achieved purpose and fulfilment, building businesses that not only support me financially but also allow me to make a meaningful impact on others.

If you're feeling like traditional employment isn't the right fit for you, you're not alone. Embrace your neurodivergence, harness your strengths, and pave your own path to a fulfilling and prosperous future. Together, let's navigate the complexities of neurodiversity and entrepreneurship, paving the way for a supportive community where late-diagnosed individuals can thrive and grow.

'Autism is a “dynamic disability”. What this means is capacity and functioning are not concrete and may fluctuate dependent on factors such as environment, cognition, executive function, processing capacity, Interoception/exteroception, neuro-fatigue, anxiety, communication differences, burnout and sensory overwhelm. This means Autistics may be capable of a task one day, but unable to perform the task at another.'

Quote Credit: Neurodiversally Unbroken

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